don’t talk to me or my son ever again (please)
Performed at Chatham University as Part of the SculptureX Conference
Nothing Gold Can Stay
an elegy for every goldfish I have ever known
Performed at Conundrum Co-Op at Maelstrom Collaborative Arts
thus spake stupid
Performed at Short Form at Maelstrom Collaborative Arts
Performed at Short Form at Maelstrom Collaborative Arts
Two Divorced Moms (2DM!) was collaboration with fellow performance artist Marcia Custer from 2016-2021, which follows the lives of recent divorcées Peg and Deb as they explore having it all, losing it, and clawing their way back to self-acceptance. Peg and Deb love to Talk and Show and did both in front of a live studio audience at SPACES gallery in Cleveland, as well as live on Youtube During the Covid Shutdown of 2020